Read my opinions and possibly comment on them. Regardless of whether or not they're interesting.
Here's why:
Published on August 20, 2004 By JnvReno In International
Ann Coulter. Aaaaaann Coulter. Al Franken put it best when he refferred to her as " The Reigning Hysterical Diva of the Right. " I really don't think she's very good at what she does. What she DOES, for those who don't know who she is, she's a writer. A very VERY CONSERVATIVE writer. A little TOO conservative in my opinion. A rabid liberal hater. I'm wondering, do these people do ANY research when they write their books? Here are some excerpts from one of her books:

" Liberals hate America. "

" Not even Muslim Terrorists hate America like Liberals do. "

" Democrats actually HATE working class people. "

" It's all liberals' fault. "

What IS this?!

Does she have any experience to back up her claims that ALL liberals hate America? Nope.

This person sure is quick to point the finger, but does she back it up? Noooooo no no.

Here's another excerpt from her NEW book, " How to talk to a liberal ( If you must. ) " :

" By the time a youth reaches the age of 14, they are either a conservative, or a liberal if they have an IQ above a toaster. "

Doesn't that sound kinda like a commercial?

Think about it. Ann Coulter's saying that if you're not a conservative you're not smart.

Kind of like how a commercial says that if you don't buy our toothpaste you'll have cavities forever, or if you don't buy our clothes noone's gonna like you.

Ann Coulter says that political debate resembles professional wrestling these days......I don't think she's helping.


Song of the Moment: Irish Blood, English Heart, by Morrissey.


on Aug 20, 2004
You're definitely right, lots of radical-conservatives make unsupportable assertions, distort the facts, or just plain lie to get their point across. They're so sure that their conservative doctrine is right that they won't let anything get in the way of advancing it, not even the truth. It is more important for America to have honest debate on the issues facing us today, and, to quote Al Franken, "all honest debate must start with a mutual respect for the truth." To be fair, liberals are also guilty of bending the truth for their cause. Michael Moore makes some assertions that are really way to far-reaching (that Bush is in the pockets of the Saudis because his dad's company deals with Saudi Arabia), however his part on the Iraq war, and how poor, mostly minorities end up getting sent to a very elective war (one of the most telling facts is that all the hawks who got us into a war we didn't have to do, didn't go to Vietnam, a similarly elective war. These people Include George W., Dick Cheney, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, and Karl Rove).
on Aug 20, 2004
And Sean Hannity. Don't forget HIM. ( The host of the "Fair and Balanced" talk show "Hannity and Colmes". In which the Conservative Hannity makes points to the incompetent "Liberal", Alan Colmes.

Come to think of it, just about all of Fox News is guilty.

And yes. I submit to you that liberals HAVE bended the truth. I can't think of an instance off the top of my head, but I'm sure they have at least ONCE. Nobody's perfect except Thom Yorke.

The Republican party however: Repeat Offender.
on Aug 20, 2004
Its always nice to see liberals congregating and reveling in their ability to bash conservatives on issues where the liberals are far more guilty.

The pot calling the kettle black has become too cliqued, but I'll throw it out anyway.
on Aug 20, 2004
At last, we have at least one rabid liberal hater to partially offset the rabid pack of conservative haters.

Yes, Ann can be irritatingly arrogant, but stupid she's not. Claims to that effect are another manifestation of liberal snobbery. Their definition of a stupid person is: any person, intelligent or not, who holds or states views contrary to their own.

You're definitely right, lots of radical-conservatives make unsupportable assertions, distort the facts, or just plain lie to get their point across.

And the radical-liberals don't? I basically agree with you, matt07. And Al Franken is correct, it's just too bad he respects only his truth.

on Aug 20, 2004
I don't hate conservatives at all. I just think that lying to further your political career or sell books is despicable. That goes for liberals and conservatives. Both parties are definitely guilty of either bending the truth or only advancing facts that support them and ignoring the ones that don't. That's why I like politicians like John McCain (liberals' favorite Republican) who tell it like it is, and rise up above politics to put America over their party

I am also sick and tired of conservatives saying that liberals hate America, they're just plain making that up. Would anybody who hated America really run for office?? Just because questions America's actions, or what the president doesn't mean they hate America. People who question if America's on a good track or not do it because they want America to be better not because they hate it or want to doom it to failure. Liberals love this country just as much as conservatives do, conservatives and liberals just have different views of how to make America better.

And you're right Daiwa, Ann Coulter's not stupid, just way too ideological. Here's and actual quote from Ann:

"We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize THEY can be killed too! Otherwise, they will turn out to be outright traitors!"

A little off the deep end. This woman clearly hates liberals more than she loves America.
on Aug 20, 2004
She's obviously intelligent... .which is why to me its obvious that she must be totally conscious of what she is saying. She writes that crap to sell books, like limbaugh says what he says to get radio listeners. Neither really care what they're saying, they're both entertainers pure and simple.
on Aug 20, 2004
" By the time a youth reaches the age of 14, they are either a conservative, or a liberal if they have an IQ above a toaster. "

I dislike Ann Coulter every bit as much as you, but I'm pretty sure her meaning there is that by 14 if you're not either a conservative or a liberal (meaning you have no political opinion whatsoever), then you are as dumb as a coaster.

I'm sure plenty of Liberals make exaggerated statements, are not always truthful, and say things to get attention. There's really no denying that both sides do it, but I can't think of a Liberal who makes statements about how all conservatives should be killed, how they all hate America, how they are all traitors, how we should just nuke all the muslims (or whoever) because they're terrorist scum. I just think that Coulter is a hell of a lot more hateful, and spreads much more awfully violent and unproductive ideas than any Liberal demagogues. And that's not cool, in my opinion, I don't care if she's "just kidding," and frankly I don't believe she is.
on Aug 20, 2004
a quick response to cwarsh's statement:

"She writes that crap to sell books, like limbaugh says what he says to get radio listeners. Neither really care what they're saying, they're both entertainers pure and simple."

Fine. Maybe they are entertainers. But probably the biggest problem with this ruse is that they're masquerading as reputable sources of news.